Not quite sure how many parts I’ll end up with for this but it’ll be more than 1!
There were just so many good and wonderful parts to the whole Vietnam experience that I’d love to do justice to but we may run out of worldwide internet beforehand…
Best thing about being whisked away to Vietnam has to be the opportunity to be with everyone over an extended period of time.
Normally we see our clients in a professional sense in a short period of time. That’s the nature of things.
In this case I was made to feel part of the family and friends and was included in all the different festivities.
It means Kevin and Tracy have a weeks worth of photos showing so much more of their life than would normally be the case.
I left Sydney on the Wednesday morning bound for Singapore in the afternoon and then arriving in Ho Chi Minh (Saigon) on Wednesday evening. There’s a 4 hour difference in time zone. I thought I’d be wiped out but was quite excited by the new things I was seeing in this part of Asia.
After a day of wandering around the city with Kenny (Kevin’s best man from Sydney) the bridal party went with Kevin and Tracy to the church rehearsal. And that’s where our pictures start –

It’s an unusual church to what I’ve seen before – not used to the open sides but it made for a lovely point of difference.

On the Friday night the Australian contingent and others piled into different cars and headed an hour north of Saigon, into the countryside, to go to Tracy’s mothers place for a big family party in the street.
A big, long marquee had been laid out in the middle of the street and all the tables set up ready to welcome lots of people.
The food was just amazing, all prepared on one side of the marquee and brought to the tables in a seemingly never ending procession.
There were speeches, toasts, meeting people, champagne, fireworks, children, singing, non-stop beer, food, food, food, and people everywhere, lights, music, mess, talking, eating, talking, handshakes again and again and again.
Tracy and her family had spend most of the week setting up for this and it really paid off. It was just an extraordinary event. I barely understood a word of it but got the context of everything perfectly.

Family and family time combined in love, celebration and congratulations.

The outdoor kitchen beside the marquee from where the beautiful, beautiful food came…

Essentially the street party was held beside all the neighbours houses as well – the marquee running half the length of the street. There was the constant spectacle of smiling children’s faces and their happy parents (and the continual offers of drinks – especially beer)…

At all times Tracy is the picture of elegance, radiance and great beauty. Kevin has chosen well!
Different family members kept wanting photos taken and kept asking me to drink beer. I’m not a beer drinker at all. Never have been but after an hour or two running around in the heat I needed something and ended up relenting, gratefully drinking with different people and being plied with the different food dishes. I’ll keep saying it – everyone was so friendly…

On one side of the marquee looking across the street to the fields beyond and the sunset of a wonderful party.

Drink beer –

At the front of the elaborately decorated marquee Kevin and Tracy greeted all their guests.

And at one point Tracy wandered down the street to chat to some of the neighbours.

The formal part of the evening had speeches, thanks, cake-cutting, fireworks and more.

The children watch on the edge of the tent.

And at every event we attended it was Kevin and Tracy’s duty to go from table to table for toasts and congratulations. Accompanying them for all of that was their Vietnamese videographer – he acted the role of director for all the celebrations. It was fun watching him!

I love this shot –
Planning a wedding overseas or in Australia. Yes – we travel for photos because memories are forever!
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