Just took some Sydney Young Womens Portraits of two friends, Amy and Emma (in the first photo Amy is standing whilst Emma is seated) in Surry Hills. Amy just finished high school and is about to start Uni and Emma is almost finished her tertiary course – it’s really a great time to think about taking photo’s – the start of something new in life. And in terms of finishing year 12 or Uni – we’re usually looking our best too, cause it’s just that time of life. Well at least in Amy and Emma’s place they’re certainly looking good!
A lot of us think of Sydney as a harbour, Opera House and bridge, but there is so many interesting parts to this big city that we can find really great backdrops around most corners. We sauntered around some of Surry Hills for a couple of hours and found so many great spots for photo’s we could have done it all day!
So we had great fun – a bit of primping and preening, hold a light here, camera down there, spot of lipstick, sunglasses back and off we go…

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