I love laughing. Lots. The more the better. I love a good speech. Or several. I love a good MC who can hit their stride with off-the-cuff material. This Kincoppal wedding hit my sweet spot! Mary got ready in town at the Radisson Hotel and was the picture of calmness and happiness when we arrived.
Everything ran really smoothly, apart from the fact that we hit a few rain spots and ran into some of Sydney’s unseasonably colder, wilder, windier weather in the afternoon. Is Sydney turning into Melbourne after all?
Ben and Mary impressed on Sarah and I, in the lead up to the Kincoppal wedding, on being as inconspicuous as possible especially during the ceremony. (Sideline – a lot of our couples don’t get to see us work beforehand at a wedding. They can only go by what we say we do. We say we’re unobtrusive, and we are deliberately because the attention of the guests should be on what matters – you, your day, your wedding, your vows.) We reassured them we’d be as invisible as possible. Apparently that worked because Ben and Mary jokingly told us they started playing spot-the-CIA-photographer during the ceremony. Covert ops needs must!
After the wonderful ceremony, which, incidentally was run by a family friend of Ben’s as his very first wedding at the age of 60-odd, we did a big group photo overlooking the city skyline at the back of Kincoppal and then the bridal party headed off in the cars to Watson’s Bay to get a little bit close to nature at the cliff face to the ocean. Jumped the fence, stood in the squalls of rain and gusting winds as the temperature did a dive south, took the shots on that stunning bit of coastline and then headed back to the sheltered comfort of the cars.
From there, back to Rose Bay, onto a water taxi for the quick trip across the water to Kirribilli, and into the reception at the Yacht Squadron. Our first time there. It was brilliant. Unfortunately you do need to know a member to gain access otherwise it’d be the place to head to every weekend.
Thanks for trusting us and allowing us to witness the start of your new life together Ben and Mary.
Wedding ceremony at Kincoppal – Rose Bay
Reception at the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron in Kirribilli
Planning a Kincoppal wedding? Chat to us about photography. Do it right. Once…
Contact Us / info@davidhenryphotography.com.au / Phone: 0411 137 747